Yes, the P-III/K6-3 level of processors have new instruction sets, which
will not be fully utilized in most software applications for some time.
Your best bang-for-the-buck is getting a 450MHz AMD K6-2 for now, which
should run just over $200 for mainboard and CPU with fan (or similar).  Wait
for the software to come out with P-III optimization.  By that time, P-III
prices will probably have fallen more than the $200 some you spent on the
450MHz.  FYI, check out benchmark test results on Intel & AMD web sites
(note that AMD publishes results for their competitor, Intel publishes
results for only Intel processors).  Now is a great time to buy a P-II/K6-2
level CPU because the next generation just came out, driving these prices
way down.
Martin Kurr
email [log in to unmask]
> From:         M. Jelley[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> What are your thoughts?
> >Before applications programs can take advantage of the P III >instruction
> set they'll have to be recompiled in a compiler whose code >generator is P
> III aware. That may take awhile, but eventually it will >happen. Depending
> on the performance gains -- they may be >detectable only with benchmarks
> --
> you can then upgrade your >software to match your hardware.

                         PCSOFT's List Owner's:
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