No, Kyle - after that if you had womb - you'd be a radical feminist. The
Dianic Witches would love you.

                                        LOL - BB - Trisha
>Why this '90s fascination with making sure we don't "label" someone?  As
>I've spouted before, when I was a kid I was "crippled", then
>"handicapped", then "disabled", after that - "handi-capable" (the
>smarminess makes me wanna puke).  Now I find I'm "diffferently-abled".
>Well, the only thing I'm able to do differently from the rest of the
>crowd is park really close to the mall at holiday-time because I have
>one of those "handicrapped" cards (my wife came up with that one because
>the logo is so poorly designed it looks like a man sitting on the WC).
>Let's face it, whether we call a North American aboriginal an "Indian"
>or "Native American", it's not going to help her find a job, education,
>health care, etc.
>Give me a fair shake at housing, health care and a job for which I'm
>qualified and you can call me anything you damn well please.
>Wow, if I had a womb I'd be pre-menstrual.