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Full-name: Stjodo
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Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 10:59:26 EDT
Subject: Re: WAPD Alert
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I totally agree with you.  Everyone deserves to live and people like
Kevorkian are a threat to society especially the disabled.  I believe the
ethnic cleansing in Bosnia is horrible and everyone should be outraged by
this even if you disagree with our policies.

I believe if I was in a life and death situation and I had one chance to live
I want that opportunity to live as long as I am not on different tubes
connected to my body to live.

As anyone heard of a Professor hired by Princeton University that believes
euthanasia should be done on disabled people.  I heard this on one news
report and if this is true it is outrageous that he thinks this way and that
he was hired by this great University.  Has anyone heard about this?

Stephen Allman