On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, Mary wrote:

>> How can we get off it? I can keep off it for a day or two but then
>> fall off the wagon.

>>> >yes, I'd agree with you, caffeine addiction sure does look
>>> >like an addiction.

have you ever quit an addiction?
you need:

commitment to making a change in your life.
give yourself all the support you need to get through withdrawal
reward yourself

I watched my husband go through caffiene withdrawal. He had a terrible
headache and did finally take aspirin when he couldn't sleep. His
kidneys ached and I rubbed tiger balm into his lower back, we did yoga
poses to support the kidneys, and I fed him lots of shitake mushrooms.
We spent the weekend in the country, in a supportive, community environment.

commitment to making the change is the most important part. It's not
easy but it's not as hard other addictions. If you are determined to do
it, you can see it through.

My withdrawal was not painful. I gave it up after starting a general
detox and cleansing protocol. Now, on the few occasions when I have
tried some coffee in the mornings (to see what happens) it brings my
energy way down, after that initial artificial kick.

My hunch is it might be hard to give up coffee if you don't also do a
general cleansing because you may wake up tired and need that punch from
the caffiene. When you detox, your energy level usually increases after
a while and you don't need anything to 'wake' you up in the morning. so
you forget about.

besides, I don't consume milk or sugar anymore either, so the whole
thing is kind of out the window, and I don't miss it.
