Milk is probably bad for some people but it has never given me any
trouble except when I eat cheese my ankles become swollen. But that is a
whole other thing. Cheese has gone through so much processing that who
knows what it is. Peaches take away the swelling.


On Sat, 3 Apr 1999 16:10:34 -0800, you wrote:

>> I think it is irrelevant what nationality Mr. Cohen is, he is a
>> hero as far as I'm concerned. Milk is so toxic to our kids and is
>> implicated all over the place in autism and schizophrenia. Milkis literally killing
>> childrens' brains.
>> >>
>> >> I have also been campaigning against milk in here..even
>> >> before thislink was known. I guess I need to be a certain Mr. Cohen
>> >> with acertain nationality before some people in here are willing
>> >> to believe anything I say on this subject. :-(
>> >>