A few remarks:

1. Only a few fruits have a high glycemic index (bananas, dates, dried
fruits), others have a moderate or low GI. However, when one's diet is
based on fruit, it is difficult not to eat those high GI fruits
(because they are the most calorie-dense).

2. High carb, low fat diets tend to lower both HDL and TC (total
cholesterol). The ratio TC/HDL is considered as more important than
absolute values (of TC or HDL). One would expect a lower HDL on a
fruitarian diet (because they are high carb, with some high GI ones),
but also a lower LDL. How a fruitarian diet affects the ratio HDL/TC
is not easy to figure out.

3. Low carb diets improve cholesterol numbers in a majority of people,
but there are exceptions (as seen in the Paleofood archives).

4. One important difference between a fruitarian eating a high GI food
(e.g. bananas) and a SADer eating a high GI food (e.g. white bread) is
that the SADer eats mixed meals (high fat AND high carb). The presence
of fat might affect cholesterol levels for many reasons. (On a related
topic, high GI foods tend to fatten "normal" eaters, while emaciation
is a common problem in fruitarians.)

5. Fruitarianism usually fails for other reasons than cholesterol.

--Jean-Louis Tu <[log in to unmask]>