Jean-Louis Tu:

>> doesn't involve using a lot of muscle. Of course, one
>>may be physically exhausted after such a day's work, but
>>this is mainly eye strain, and perhaps tensions in the back

>from the sitting posture. One may also have nerves on the

>>edge if the job is particularly stressful.

I don't think it's all eye strain and stress. I think it uses a lot
of energy to think all day.
(then again, maybe that's just because it's not an activity I'm
well suited for, half-brainer that I am ;-) ).


>> if exercise is done correctly, it should _recharge_ your
>>batteries, not exhaust them.

I agree, but it takes discipline to overcome the tiredness at
the end of the work day and get out there. Actually, type O
that I am, vigorous exercise is a great stress reliever.


>> Maybe -- but again, most people just don't have the

luxury of the

>> time to do this. It's just hard, really hard, to fit it in.

I'd like to add to the list of "excuses", that some people,
when working full time, don't want to turn around and leave
the kids with a sitter so they can go out to exercise. Less of
a problem for married folks but still not a non-issue. I go to
Jazzercize & step classes 4 times a week (yes, a lycra
legionnaire), but pay a price for it, in terms of resentful
spouse, later meals for the kids, etc. Also, I get pretty
crabby myself if something comes along to mess up my
workout schedule (like currently, t-ball). On the other hand,
I'm in better physical condition than I ever have been in my
life. :-)
