Liza May wrote:

>> Hi Carol,
>>> > probably way ahead of the sweat monsters and gym
>>> > addicts, healthwise.
>> I take it you have a 'thing' agains athletes? ;^

No. But you see, I wouldn't call the people I'm talking about ath-
letes at all. In my mind, athletes are at a higher level altogether
than the legions of lycra. An athlete is someone who is dedicated
and educated about their sport and what it takes to do well in it,
including nutrition. I don't consider "weekend warriors" athletes
by any means. Neither would I call the vast majority of gym goers
athletes. I go to a gym myself, and I think I'm pretty well educated
about it, but that doesn't qualify me to be called an athlete. I and
most of the folks I meet at the gym are exercisers, but not athletes.
Others may have different ways of defining "athlete", certainly,
but that's mine.

;^ ? What's that, a winky smooch? :D
