I'm wondering about the potential benefits of vigorous exercise for
improving health. It is in the context of raw nutrition and recovery
from chronic disease since some people find (including myself) that,
even without vigorous exercise or strength training, the strength,
stamina immunity and even muscle growth can, on all or mostly raw, be
rebuilt or restored without heavy exercise at least to some degree (if
fair amounts of animal-source foods are included).

The issue is, I have been feeling better and a week ago I had a few days
of phenomenal mental capacity I hadn't experienced for eons - and after
being underweight for years my weight is finally back to pre-illness
(130 lbs).
But, looking for more health improvement and having started a more
rigorous aerobic program just in the last week (mixing in some jogging
with walking), I feel rather tired, drained, and less sharp mentally. Of
course I do a lot of stretching for circulation and to prevent injury,
and I'm careful not to exert to where I'm out of breath.

Is it correct to stress the body a little through exercise, or better to
just allow diet, while obviously getting enough movement for
circulation, take care of things? Then when one eventually (hopefully)
feels really good and strong basically from diet they can step up
exercise at that point if one wishes. Any thoughts or experiences?
