In a message dated 3/31/99 6:17:02 PM Eastern Standard Time, [log in to unmask]

<< >>Sandy:
>> But even though I have to agree that a total raw food mostly fruitarian
>> vegan diet cured my acne as well as many other symptoms/syndromes I had,
>still can't conclude that it *works for me.* It has brought on signs of
>> deficiencies in its own right, like dry skin and poor muscle tone, which
>started to come about as soon as I went all raw vegan 4 years ago.
>--Sounds like you are consuming too much concentrated protein and/or dried
>fruits and your body is dehydrated. That's what causes dry skin.

1 What could a raw vegan eat that would be "concentrated protein"?

2 Wouldn't it be a lack of intake of water that results in
dehydration? Eating dried fruits my have disadvntages, but not dehydration
if balanced with sufficient water IMO. eg 2 and more litres per day.

I appreciate your thoughts on this. However, I'm sure I did not over eat
protein or dried fruits. I got dry skin after pretty rigidly adhering to
   a Natural Hygiene recommendation that I eat no more than 1/3 cup of
nuts or seeds daily alternating with 1/2 avocado on other days. Mostly I
ate fresh fruits during the day and a big salad at night. No oils or
fats other than avos and nuts/seeds.

Dried fruits- I occasionally ate up to 8 dates maybe 2 sometimes 3 times
a week.Usually not at all.

Water- I did not drink 2 or more litres of water a day cause I was not
thirsty for that much. I found if I drank more than I wanted, I tended
to have an unquenchable thirst like the water was leaching minerals and
paradoxically dehydrating me.

I am under the impression that one can get dry skin from a deficiency of
essential fatty acids, or other mineral/vitamin deficiencies.