>>That means, without additional chelation therapy you will get rid of your
>>mercury in some decades while you will need only some years if you are
>>doing a therapy.
>>I think this is reason enough to speed
>>up the detox.

If it is just question of time , i am patient and not in hurry.

>>Be warned, that the chelation products are still toxic and you need to
>>get rid of them

I see here that the trade off is not necessarely a gain, a gain in time
yes, but at what price,?
may be storing molecules of mercury is safer that having them forcefully
circulating in your blood to be eliminated and the body obviously have
chosen that in the 1rst place when the intoxification was bigger than
what it could eliminate?

>>To replace the fatty tissues of brain and kidneys you will need lots of
>>fat in your diet. I faced this phenomen when detoxing mercury so I assume
>>it to be natural in this case. Simply follow your instincts even if they
>>seem to overdose the fat. It's still necessary.

That is great to be reinforced on that one because i promptly accused
the fats for creating the symptoms . They are , indirectly to serve the
higher purpose of eliminating the mercury .
I hope, what i am eliminating thru my skin is thoses old fats not the
excess of what i am eating now. Hard to tell!
What kind of fats were you attracted the most , For me after having
being big on vegetal fats i am very much appreciating animals fats and
mostly i need products that are poor in proteins ( from olives to animal
fat, nuts are not appealing anymore...)
Thank you stephan