I have just finished (almost - waiting for a real hard drive!) system with the above components.  The clips that retain  the Celeron cpu that came with the board, don't seem up to the job of adequately retaining the cpu.  My Celeron has a couple of fans mounted to one side which makes it want to lean over.  The clips that came with the board say they will fit all PII and Celeron and there is even a picture (sort of) that shows the Celeron mounting.  However the arrangement for the Celeron seems to have the tops of the clips pivot or tilt inward towards the cpu from the sides and sort of catch on some notches in the upper corners of the circuit board.  Can this be correct?  It sure doesn't look too sturdy!

The system all works as far as I've gotten (except for the hard drive and I wasn't sure about that when I started anyway).

Anybody familiar with this combo that can help?


Frank Stadmeyer

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