Dan Koenig writes:
> I agree with DDeBar that the term genocide is being used a bit too
> freely.

Your agreement with DDebar is odd since DDebar is the one who used the
term genocide.  I did not.  I said I suppose they are killing and I
think they have been killing since before the bombing.  A mass grave
refers to the practice of burying multiple bodies in one grave, not
genocide.  DDebar criticised my expression of opinion without facts.
Fair enough, but mass graves were documented after the Bosnia war, and
Milosevic and the Serb army were part of that.  They don't appear to
have found Christ during the interval.

So we have DDebar criticising me for expressing my opinion and
implying that I accused Milosevic of genocide.  I did not do that.
Then you come along and support DDebar's false accusation.  It's
amazing how Chomsky's analysis applies to everyone.  DDebar could be a
member of the State Department, and you could be a reporter for the NY
Times.  You've just validated the system.

> It would be a novel form of genocide to allow a people's women,
> older men, and young boys to flee with their lives.  That was not
> exactly the approach taken by Hitler.  Neither, for that matter, is
> it the approach that has been being taken in Africa or, closer to
> home, against the indigenous Mayans in Guatemala (with longstanding
> U.S. assistance, training and complicity).  And what about Operation
> Phoenix is Vietnam, and its full fledged form in Mai Lai (sorry if I
> just remember the horror and not the correct spelling).  So Kosovo
> is about genocide is it?  Yeah, just like Desert Fox was about
> weapons of mass destruction.
>                                          Dan Koenig
> DDeBar wrote:
> > > > (1)Why can't the Serb military create mass graves right now?
> > >
> > > They can.  I suppose they are.  I think they have been killing since
> > > before the bombing started, and I think it will be shown that the
> > > killing increased when the human rights observers left.
> >
> > "I think"? "I suppose"? Etc.?
> > I THINK that I'd want to be damned sure of the facts before I accused
> > anyone of genocide. This claim provides "justification" in the minds of
> > millions for the war crimes (yes, the present bombings and coming invasion
> > are violations of US and international law) being committed by NATO.
> >
> > Don't act (even passively) before you think.
> >
> > DDeBar


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