i thought about doing a book of "fractured" nursry rhymes. got all the
rhymes but, don't know how to get an artist(or cartoonist)  to do my

> -----Original Message-----
> From: lawrence keplinger [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 1999 10:34 AM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Re: I thought I'd let you know about my new book!
> Can I ask how is your publisher and how did you go about finding your
> publisher? I'm working on a book myself and it would be helpful to know
> the
> process.
> Thanks,
> kinggimp
> Mariana Ruybalid wrote:
> >                                 Go for it
> >                             Go for the soul,
> >                               Risk madness.
> >                           Go for healing whole,
> >                             Take the chance!
> >                              Go deep, deep,
> >                             Go red sea deep,
> >                          Sea secret, see blood.
> >                          Watch for mind fields.
> >                              Go whizzing by,
> >                              Go slowly, too.
> >                           Watch for pot holes.
> >                             Go for the soul.
> >                                 Friends,
> >  My new book, Daring to Write, has just been published!  This book has a
> >  lot of strong poems about being a woman with a disability.  A Taste of
> > Daring is just an appetizer.  This new book includes the despair and joy
> >                     of being alive.  Order it today!
> >            Send $12.50 (11.00 + 1.50 shipping and handling) to
> >                             Mariana Ruybalid
> >                           2922 Hillegass Avenue
> >                          Berkeley, CA 94705-2225