i hate to admit it, but you are probably right that many "christians" would
probably not recognize his actions, nor would they welcome him. of course
some would know him imediately.
  jesus healed some, many he did not (example at the pool where many
infirmed waited on the stirring of the water) only healed one. did not say
anything against the others, just did not heal them. i don't try to say why,
just stating the fact.
   i accept the fact that you practice wicca. i accept you. my religious
beliefs are different, but, this is america where you are free to do as you
please just as i am. as long as we don't try to force each other then all is
well between us. trying to bash you is certainly not going to impress you
that i care for you. vice versa would not help either. i agree to disagree
and am at peace with you.
   gotta do some work. that's what i am paid for.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Trisha Cummings [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Monday, April 05, 1999 7:51 AM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Re: Intro (and then some)zealots
> HI Ken,
>     Well, I am back Baltimore -
> >>sorry, about the caps,
>         I am sure your also not in favor of Buddhists, Mormons, Jehovahs
> Witness', Muslims, Jews, etc. Christianity allows only for Christianity.
> Which makes as much sense as saying everyone should eat broccolli and
> drive
> a red car.
> >>i do not get on your case and say that god would punish your child for
> that
> >>or anything else you have done. this is not good christian theology. i
> am
> >>afraid that it is the theology of many christians who lets themselves be
> >>taught rather than study the bible for themself.
>     I agree - this pure stupidity. Jesus heals the sick and infirm - in no
> place does he tell they are evil and deserve it. In fact he very specific
> -
> in letting us know - about casting stones or asperstions against others.
> However, lets remember however he was blessed with not having Christianity
> around yet. I would bet real money - if he came today - he would be tossed
> in with the New Agers - after all his - my little children love one
> another -- Sure sounds like an old hippy line. The Bible has been modified
> many times - this historical fact. Whole books of the bible have been
> thrown
> because a meeting council didn'like what they said. In 431CE - they decide
> to make Mary the mother of God. You have to be a historical scholar to get
> all the variations straight - the version being used now - was redone in
> King James time and he changed things.
>                                   Brightest Blessings