sorry, about the caps,

i do not get on your case and say that god would punish your child for that
or anything else you have done. this is not good christian theology. i am
afraid that it is the theology of many christians who lets themselves be
taught rather than study the bible for themself.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Trisha Cummings [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Friday, April 02, 1999 12:55 PM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Re: Intro (and then some)zealots
> Hi Kyle,
> >I applaud your post-modernist diatribe, Trisha.  Your position is well
> >thought-out and expounded.  My point is two-fold:  This is not the forum
> >for theological apologetics.  It is of, by, and for folks with Cerebral
> >Palsy.
>     It was started over someone being I guess harassed for their CP by a
> bible thumper. I had an incident happen when Amber was a baby and we where
> just discovering she had CP. I was talking after the service about what
> was
> happening when this lovely woman - told me - GOD - did this to my child
> becasue I am a bad person and none of the people standing around said a
> thing. Now, I must admit the Christian version of God never had much
> creditibily with me in the first place, but this offended beyond. If
> people
> feel this way and talk to people this way then obviously it would seem to
> be
> a CP topic. Amber has had run-ins  - Who in their right mind picks on
> small
> child!  Besides CP seems to be an equal oppurtunity condition.
> >Also, I can't fathom your thesis that antiquity has bearing on the
> >validity of a faith system.
>             Christianity is rather a late comer in the faith game. Yet,
> your
> believe your God is the the one and only and you must share this with us
> non-beleivers - is arrogant, autocratic, judgemental  and domineering. No
> one denies you the right to your beliefs or even the right to talk about
> them - it the manner in which you do this, that is being objected to. Man
> has been around for a long time. Somewhere between 30,000 and 35,000 years
> ago - beliefs came into being. The earliest ones were Goddess based. (In
> fact Goddess lives on in Christianity in the form Mary). Why would any new
> comer belief be more valid than older ones. Christianity worked well for
> the
> leaders of the empire builders of the day. Christianity is a blending of
> the
> Jews and the Pagans right along with Romans.
>                 Well got run - I'm off to Baltimore and Balticon 33!!
>                               Brightest Blessings