<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I have answers! read on...

My original post:

<<Don't know if anyone reads or has read the most recent issue of "Living
Without" but they had an article in it that had a doctor say that DH IS NOT
affected by contact with the skin....This seems to contradict most of what I
have heard on this list....It was also contradictory in a few other ways so I
am wondering if it is me who is misinformed or the magazine.>>

I was so excited to go to a meeting this weekend that had a Dermatologist as
a guest speaker. Lots of questions I have about DH were answered for me.
First, about the skin contact. She admitted doctors are not sure about this
one. But there is not disputing the fact some people do react from skin
contact with gluten. The thing is, the skin absorbs such minute amounts of
things, they consider it "biologically insignificant." But if you have open
sores on your skin, like many people with DH do, the chances of the product
being absorbed is greater. Also if something is all over your body and on
for a long period of time, the possibility of absorbing is greater.
This is from a expert dermatologist. She said that doctors are requires only
2 days training in dermatology in medical school, but she spent 6 weeks
because she liked it. This explains why the doctors don't seem to know much.
She also sees more DH cases because she works in a research hospital where
they give the difficult to diagnose patients to her.

As for my "Living Without" magazine problem, the reason why the
dermatologist sounded so ignorant may have been because of two things. One
is they are known for changing quotes in that magazine. Also they have to
dumb things down to a "fourth grade reading level" for some reason.  I am
boycotting this magazine since they are editing people's comments and
changing the portrayal of the disease. I heard that they do no research
before they interview people. I think they have a good idea in trying to get
information out to the public. But they can at least keep it up to a seventh
grade level. We are not scientists, but we are not kids either! Most of us
have had a basic biology course I assume.

I do not want to start any fights on the board. ;-) But feel free to email
with comments. The opinions of the magazine are mine only (well maybe a few
other nameless people's too) and I am merely expressing them for the
knowledge of the group under my free speech rights.

Remember I am not a doctor, but did get this information from one.