At 06:45 27/03/1999 -0800, you wrote:
>If the virus does not make AIDS, what does? Just wondering, I'm not an
>expert on this issue at all.

no problem, i am not expert either. but there is a very good explanation
for what is called aids that does not include the virus hypothesis, and
explain the disease far better that the current accepted virus explanation.
it is too long to write about it here, but you can go to the rethinking
aids web site, at

the standard disident info is there. you will have to learn that the tests
are invalid, that the virus has not been proven to cause anything or even
exist, that the orthodox treatment is aids-causing, that the statistics lie
lie lie, etc.

i also found very interesting a book by t c fry called "the great aids
hoax" very good to understand how on earth such a worldwide scam can be
created and maintained.

hope it helps,

axel makaroff