Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 12:18:36 -0500
From: John Diaz <[log in to unmask]>
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To: bp <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Felled by skunks under the porch
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Mary Krugman wrote:

> Maybe someone out there in BP land can help ... my house (1860) has a
> problem!  ...
All joking aside I'd shoot them
I'd set up a cracker-jack bait station in the back yard & pick them off
w/ an air rifle-
the question is what is your critical mass weight/compassion factor-
would you set out an ant trap? a fly strip? a mouse trap?
but then I've been accused of being of the Curtis LeMay school of social

There is some anectdotal evidence that if you were to put down something
messy & sticky such as roofing cement under the porch they won't like
the mess & move out- of course then you're breathing those fumes.