>>  -Fruitarianism can work fine, and even very well, for a few months
>> or, if fruit is of very high quality, a few years.

>Tom Billings also claims this..but there is no proof as yet
>because quality fruit has not been on the market long enough..
>and eaten alone long enough by enough people..to be able to make
>such a statement. Chimps etc. still get along well with plenty of
>fruit in comparison to the quantities of other things they eat.

I have discussed this topic extensively of late, on this list. I have
pointed out that one cannot prove a negative, and that the burden of
proof lies on the pro-fruitarian side. Further I have pointed out that
I have examined a number of claims of success on long-term, fruitarian
100% raw diets and found them all dubious, lacking credibility. Summary: to
date, there is no credible proof for your claim, and plenty of evidence
to indicate the claim is false, with "quality" being the latest excuse
embraced by the raw vegan diet gurus, who are desperate to find ANY
excuse to explain the massive failure (long-term) of the diets they

At some point people must wake up and realize that people are more important
than idealistic dietary dogma, a great deal of which is nonsense anyway.

PS chimps do eat lots of fruit, and also lots of insects, leaves, roots,
and meat.

Tom Billings