>I am thinking of getting a new video card, but I do not understand
>this.  How do you have two video cards??  If you get a 2d card and a
>3d card, how do you hook them up?   Can you hook your monitor to
>either one and they talk through the pci bus?
>Also, I play games on my computer a lot.  I like things like
>Civilization and Might and Magic as opposed to the shoot-em games like
>Quake or Doom.  Do I need 3d cards with "high frame rates?"  What
>about high-res games like Railroad Tycoon II that use 1280 x 1040?
>How does an SLI connection work?  Is it a cable between the two cards,
>or do they talk through the bus?
>>Kevin Hains
>>Cape Town
>>South Africa
>PS:  My video card is only about a year old.  It is already old, slow
>Oh well...

     I can't answer about Railroad Tycoon II, but for the other two, you
don't need a fast 3D card.  The way 3D add on cards work (such as VOODOO 2
cards) is through a pass-thru cable.  The card comes with a cable that you
attach one end of two the output of your 2D card and the other to the
output of your 3D only card.  It is possible to use these with a 2D/3D
card, you just have to tell the drivers which to use.  SLI works through a
ribbon cable that attaches between the two VOODOO 2 cards.

Donald Gaither

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