Rainah wrote:
>Thanks Kim...My accupuncturist is 5 element and I can handle blood
>but that is the extent of my faith in "Them"(AMA doctors)

Regarding medical doctors, I don't think any of us should be so quick to
throw out the baby with the bathwater.  While I am the first to admit
they are expensive, treat symptoms, and overuse drugs and surgery, all
of these things have their place.  Civilization has given us many bad
things (SAD), but medical advances are not all bad.  Also, remember that
many of the things doctors do are to cover their butt legally, which is
the fault of society in general.  Do not scoff at the incredible wealth
of knowledge that doctors have (and most alternative health care
practitioners do NOT), though they do often misinterpret and misuse it.
Many medical doctors are becoming more open to alternative therapy; seek
them out.  Also, as acupuncurists, chiropractors, herbalosts, etc.,
become more commonplace, the legal syste will ruin them too, if we let
them.  If I have a limb severed in a freak accident, I am going to a
medical doctor.  I hope you don't go to your acupuncturist!:)  Point is,
they are not all bad.


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