[My daughter can have soy about once a week (as in tofu, soy yogurt)
more than that and she has an excema flare-up for a few days.]

Maybe I just overloaded my system a bit much. I have recently started
adding tofu to my stir-fries, which I have 2 nights out of 3. At least
once/twice a week I would have mashed potatoes with the soya margarine
and soya milk.  On weekends it would be homemade muesli with soya milk.
And during the week it would be soya yoghurt for breakfast.  I have no
problems using any of them separately. I am due to be retested for my
food intolerances next week so I will get him to retest the soya again.

This list is great. Keep the info coming.

(UK via Australia)

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