alister air writes:
> Larry Stamm wrote:
> >Furthermore, I have heard the NATO bombing being blamed for the
> >current atrocities allegedly being done by the Serbs in Kosovo. This
> >argument is utter nonsense.  If the Yugoslav army, or other Serb
> >organizations, are indeed commiting war crimes in Kosovo, they are
> >solely responsible for their actions and no blame can be shifted by
> >describing such actions as predictable responses to military attack.
> With respect, the bombing gives them the perfect cover for their
> actions.

Are you saying the Serbs are doing even more inhuman things that are
being covered up by the bombing?  As if what we do know about isn't
bad enough?  What do you mean by cover?

Do you mean they have accelerated their effort to clear the region of
all albanians?  Why else would they do that - just when the bombing
started - if not because they know they are running out of time to get
it done?

> Military planners could not help but be aware of this.  Bombing also
> ends up giving more support to an otherwise disliked leader (look
> what's happened in Iraq).

Then by not bombing we could reduce his support.  The longer we don't
bomb, the less support he will have.  If we hold back the bombing long
enough, eventually his support will drop to 0.  But by then, the
albanians will be scattered all over Europe.  The goal of the bombing
is not to remove a disliked leader, nor to convince the local
population to do it.  The goal of the bombing is to break down his
military.  That is the only goal, regardless of the rhetoric, because
it is the only goal the bombing can achieve.  Other than increasing
support for Milosevic, of course.

> Does this not mean that NATO is propping up a regime which commits
> genocide?

No.  Milosevic, too, will pass.  If the people want him for a leader,
they can have him.  If they don't want him, they have to get him out.


Martin Smith                    Email: [log in to unmask]
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