Janet, when I jump, I would go into a spastic seizure, where my arms would
snap up (elbows bent) and the rest of my body was as stiff as a board.
Well, after taking anti-seizure meds, (which DID help), I found that I
"outgrew" the seizures. *sigh* Anyways, um, maybe a service dog to keep you
calm? I don't know other than with my dog with me, only LOUD noises make me

Dana Marshall and Gillis
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On 2/27/99, at 7:47 PM, Janet Mifflin wrote:

>Dear group,
>This is my first posting to the list.  I too am a CP with a very
>sensitive startle reflex.  I really can relate to the experiences posted
>so far.  Potentially anything will make me jump:  a ringing telephone,
>someone coming up behind me, a professor pounding the lectern when
>making a point, etc.
>I just started a new job a few weeks ago.  My new co-workers aren't used
>to my jumpiness.  I'm always more jumpy in a new environment.  It's
>getting frustrating.
>Has any CP with this sensitivity found anything that *he or she* can do
>to help this?