<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

One of the favorite cake recipes that I'm asked to make for family
gatherings, church soicals etc, is a version of Apple Cake.  I've been
able to make it gf using Gluten Free Pantry's cake mix, altho any cake
recipe--white, yellow--will do.  The advantage to this cake, other than
travelling well and being very tasty, is that the additions mask the
grittiness that we complain about.

GF Apple Cake
Following pkg or recipe direction, preheat oven to 350 and grease a 9x13
cake pan,  spread a piece of parchment paper over bottom of pan,
allowing several inches of overhang on each side to facilitate removal
later on.

To the batter add 3 or 4 apples, peeled, cored, diced.
        2 teas cinnamon
        1/2 teas Nutmeg (fresh grated, if possible)
        1/4 teas. ground cloves and ginger
Stir in one cup chopped nuts and 2 teas gf almond flavoring (optional)

Pour into prepared pan.  Place pan on a cookie sheet (prevents bottom of
cake from cooking too quickly and/or burning_

Cake will take slightly longer to bake than original recipe.  I start
checking after 45 min.

(You can also make this in a bundt or tube pan, which will take about 1
hr 15 min plus to bake)

Cool several minutes in pan, Using parchment paper as guide, remove to
cooling rack.

For extra treat (and calories) make a caramel glaze:
Melt 2 tablespoons butter in heavy pan
Add 2 tablespoons white sugar & 2 tablepoons brown sugar ( I use
Brownulated sugar)
Cook until thick and lightly browned.
Add 2Tablepoons cream (it will splatter) Remove from heat and add
1 teas gf vanilla
Brush on hot cake