<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Folks,

     Lately while going to restaurants I've been taking some of my own
gluten-free rolls in a small bag and requesting that our waiter heat them
in the microwave so I can munch on them while the others eat the
gluten-containing rolls. I've not had a problem with anyone refusing this
for health restrictions (bringing outside food into the kitchen) since
they are in a plastic bag and do not touch anything in the kitchen, so
you may try it. Some of the things I've brought were bisquits (made from
Miss Robens mix) that were so tasty my gluten tolerant friend could not
distinguish them from "regular". I've also made muffins from a recipe I
got on this list called Marci's Soft White Bread, using Dari Free (recipe
available in the archives) and lastly, I've been bringing Bello's garlic
cheese and onion  rolls. They are DELICIOUS. I have no ties to any of
these companies, other than enjoying their foods. I also love the
Favorite Sandwich Bread from the Gluten-Free Pantry mix which can be made
into smaller rolls. There are MANY companies providing mixes or recipes
in books from scratch that are good..plus many homemade recipes, but the
ones I mentioned are my favorites for my taste; others may prefer
different ones.

     The point is, we don't have to feel deprived..nor be so hungry while
awaiting the meal!

Lynn, in blustery, cold, snowy NE. USA