What an interesting theory!  Where does this information come from?

Leland Torrence wrote:

> Michael,
> Not many people know this but.... the Cuban slate was actually brought from
> Italy from mines originally started by Romans.  The Dutch brought this in
> large blocks to then Saint Domingo, nowadays Haiti.  It was used as ballast
> for the ships.  After Rome they would pick up the slaves on the Ivory Coast
> and head for the Caribbean.  They needed the slaves because the Indigeons
> (as the local peoples were then called) were already taking to the mountain
> life preferring it to working for the Dutch.  Those that stayed became know
> as the Arawaks for their skill at "whacking" the blocks and creating perfect
> slates.  Later still, but way before the American Revolution, some slate
> began to make its way by dug-out to what is now Cuba.  The locals used this
> slate to write down their stories.   As with any good lexicographer, they
> would then pile the slates for future reference.  Unfortunately, every time
> it rained the writings would be washed off the slate.  Amazingly (maybe
> because of its Roman origins) this slate came to have a Latin name:  Tabula
> Rasa or "clean slate".  It is not only used for roofs, but also tables and
> has become a very popular material for countertops.
> I find this the most plausible explanation and not very many people know
> this.
> Michael said:
> >.Leland I called Joe Jenkins( Author on slate) and he was speculating that
> the
> >slate in N"awlins comes from Vermont ( Via river to Mississippi
> river )..and
> >hense the Slate in Cuba comes from Vermont  as  well .....hmmmm....there is
> >slate in both places since before the American revolution...as a southern
> >gentleman I would say that  "that mule has no teeth"..still looking.....see
> >you in Bavaria...M