Steve Woolley <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Only slightly off-topic, I'm interested in how to separate 2 or more
>commands in a modem string, i.e., "s11=40" and "atw2".  I've tried spaces
>and commas, but no success.  Thanks in advance.

   I've always seen them just strung together (i.e. ats11=40w2).  If you
are wanting to distinguis between different ones, you could try stringing
them together with "at" in front of each one (i.e. ats11=40atw2).  All the
at is there for is to tell the modem the string after it is a command (or
set of commands).  You can also just type at to see if the modem is
responding (it should return an OK on the terminal screen).

Donald Gaither

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