Fellow hunter gatherers:

Last week I got a chance to meet Ray in person.  I met him at his house
and we talked about paleo and other things for a few hours.  He was very
friendly.  I had my first taste of pemmican, and got to look over the
manuscript for the next edition of Neanderthin.  It has some significant
additions, and I plan on buying it.  I was impressed at some of his
equipment, like an old food dehydrator he bought for $5 at a garage
sale.  It looked like a mid 80's microwave, and much better than the $40
plastic things I'm sure most of us have.  His hawk wasn't there yet, but
his dog was pretty cool.  If anyone has a chance to meet Ray, I
recommend it.  This brings back the idea of a group meeting or pot luck
dinner.  I think any chance we have to meet each other should be taken
advantage of.  Does anyone out there live near Lubbock, TX?  I also
visit my family in Dallas regularly.

My girlfriend recently went paleo, and so has my Dad.  He weighs about
370 lbs. and I am eager to see has his body reacts.  Has anyone else
started from a similar point?  My brother is coming around, but is
currently convinced that this WOE is impossible in a college dorm.  He
may be right.

I made my first batch of pemmican yesterday.  It tastes fine, but
crumbles too easily.  I was under the impression I could make a bar out
of it that would hold together.  Would arrowroot help?  I also tried
medjool dates with almond butter - great!

                                  -Rob in Lubbock, TX

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