Many of you may recall the very interesting dialogue that took
place last year between Loren Cordain and Sally Fallon and Mary Enig.
Two of the main points of contention were:

(1) The levels of saturated fat that were likely present in
Paleolithic diets, and

(2) The association between dietary saturated fat and coronary
heart disease (CHD).

I thought a number of good points were made on both sides, and
I was left wanting to learn more.
I eventually asked Mary Enig if she had perhaps written a comprehensive
"defense" of saturated fat in terms of its association with CHD.
She said that she had not, but said:

"The most comprehensive work on the entire cholesterol/saturated fat =
issue with a scientific defense of saturated fat in one collection is by =
Uffe Ravnskov, M.D., Ph.D. from Sweden.  He has put together a website =
addressing "The Cholesterol Myths".  It is an absolute masterpiece.  I =
have never actually met him, but have corresponded with him for several =
years and have seen a number of his papers.  This collection of essays, =
complete with the critical references is brilliant.  There is a good =
discussion of the saturated fat issue in number 3; You will find it all =

I am far from being an expert on the literature on this topic,
but I thought that his essays made a rather strong case.
I thought that others might be interested to check this out.
If anyone does and has comments, I would be interested.

Steve Meyers
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