<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Have enjoyed reading all the relative/friend stories. I think this topic
should be an ongoing subject. It's so important to our livlihood. THanks
for starting it Mara. Here are a few good/bad experiences I've had.

Attended a Holiday luncheon hosted by a dear friend who invites a select
group for lunch, wine, and gift exchange. When I received the invite I
of course felt honored to be a guest. I decided I'd just eat before
going and enjoy the wine and conversation, as I had done in the past for
events.  My dear friend called and offered to make something that I
could have. I was pleased to think she would do so, but hesitant. I
decided to trust her judgement since she is very familiar with what I go
through as we socialized frequently.  Prior to the luncheon, I put
together a bag of goodies that included the recipe, GF broth, and other
special GF ingredients to make it a safe dish. Then I prayed.
The day of the luncheon all the guests were asking for the delicious
casserole  and salad recipes. My friend gave me the credit. I of course
credit her for being a treasured friend and wrote her a note  of
appreciation and a gift of thanks.

Story #2
Attended another holiday party where my summer camping buddies were all
invited.  Everyone brought munchies, etc. to share. THe host put all the
GF snacks that were brought on one side of the buffet table and the rest
 on the other side.  Several friends brought foods they knew I could
have since they had asked prior to the party.Also the brought recipes
for all the appetizers which made it easy to check ingredients.  I even
received a special chocolate bar from a local health food store as a
special treat.  One of the friends works with a support group pal who
tipped him off on what would be fun for me to have.

These people have been my buddies BC (before celiac) and AC (after
celiac). I'm a veteran of 6 years, so they have had time to adjust too.
  Keep educating, stay positive, and always gracious and you will be
Will write more stories later.