<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi List;  Sorry I took so long to send a summary of responses to my
query as to the source of the occassional "bad" taste in GF bakery
products made at home.

Of the several responses, the most common was that the differant taste
may be due to the freshness of the  GF flours used; primarily the rice
flour.  One suggested freezing the unused portion.  This could be at
least part of the problem, at least with me inasmuch as my source of
rice flour is a health food store where rice flour is one of the slower
movers according to the owners.  They suggested that they could order it
for me in larger quantities but more on an "as needed" basis.  This
coupled with freezing it will be looked into.

A few responders indicated it may be due to the baking powder.  Haven't
looked at that yet but I don't know of a substitute for baking powder
nor have I correlated the taste in products with or without baking
powder in them.

One comment was that the taste just has to be lived with.  To me that's
a given, but if it can be removed without side effects, go for it.

On that line, one responder suggested that they had luck by masking the
taste with added sugar in the recipe.  Haven't tried it yet but will.

Thanks again to those who responded.  I hope I replied to all of the
comments: While I was getting responses we also upgraded from Windows
3.1 to Windows 98 and I'm pretty sure I lost a few for which I
apologize.  Thanks to all .     John in AZ