<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

A few days ago I posted the following:

>> ...For the 100th time, I wondered
>> why it is not the responsibility of the doctor or his/her nurse or someone
>> in his/her office to call the manufacturer and find out whether or not a
>> medication is safe for a patient...
>> There is a wonderfully strong and scary term, IATROGENIC illness.  It means
>> an illness caused - CAUSED - by medical treatment.  It is a scandal that so
>> many people in the USA are victims of iatrogenic illness and even death
>> brought on by iatrogenic causes...

There have only been a few -  heart felt - responses, so here they are:

>        I am on the same soapbox as you.
>I have been there and I know. I have this trouble all the time. I have
>had 9 surgeries and not one of these doctors have ever checked my
>medication. I cannot take morphine or codeine either. I am not allergic
>to it, just doesn't agree with my system.What do you think they sent me
>home with? A precription for a derivitive of morphine. I was deathly
>sick and had withdrawal symtems when it wore off.
>     Recently, I asked my internist for a med for anxiety because I had
>a lot of stress taking a lot of medical tests and waiting for results.
>He gave me one presciption after another. I checked them out myself, not
>the pharm. not the MD. It had corn and lactose in it,,,,,,I didn't take
>it. I am totally disgusted with the medical profession and their
>disregard for us.
>       Off the soap box.
>        Rosalie NJ
>You are absolutely dead right on target, which is why I gave up on
>"western" medicine and now I go exclusively to Holistic physicans and
>Natureopaths and Hoemeopathists.  I didn't get well until I sought out
>alternative medicine.  Western doctors are arrogant and and for the most
>part totally ignorant, with their greatest shortcomings being not
>listening to their patients.  Most are still suffering from a "god"
>complex.  However, the western medical profession is finally realizing,
>or at least some of them are, that people are going in droves to
>alternative medical practioners.  Hiting them in the wallet sends a
>strong message.  My soapbox is my great dislike of the AMA, but that's a
>whole other story.
>Candice in California

>I'm up on your soapbox with you....didn't I read somewhere that more
>people die from LEGAL prescribed medications in hospitals than from
>"unapproved by the FDA" stuff?
>Anne Washburn

>You are always posting on topics that I need assistance with.  I have been
>trying for one week now to find a prednisone preparation that is gf for a
>sinus infection.  The pharmacy where I usually do business doesn't carry one
>and other pharmacies take so long to call drug companies and it is difficult
>to be patient when you don't feel good.  I searched the archives because I
>thought I remembered posts that might be helpful, but I was unable to locate
>them.  Any ideas?
>Karen in Ky.

>Actually, I think that medical schools need to incorporate some kind of
>'anti-arrogance' training.  Some of the doctor horror stories we hear are
>a direct result of some doctors who refuse to believe that anyone else
>has any medical knowledge - only THEY know ANYTHING...
>Now I'll get off my box too..
>Grandpa Jim

If any of you want to contact these people, I will save their messages,
with their addresses, for a few more days, and you can contact me.  Gayle K