<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


Your web page is excellent!

I live in Ontario and just assumed that the Edmonton site was for local
information I was not aware of your site.  Thanks to Helen Aqua who
recommended it.

As a Canadian, I find the listserve great for people to share ideas with
others and to learn more about how different countries deal with CD.  The
unfortunate part of the listserve is that it's easy to lose sight of how
we, in Canada,  have  benefited from the efforts put forth by our National
Association (and chapters).  I feel that  our support (financial and
volunteer) is necessary to ensure that we don't lose what we have gained.

Would urge ALL Canadians with an interest in Celiac disease to join the CCA
and if possible, support their efforts by becoming more involved through
volunteering &/or donations.

If we don't support the organization that works to address our concerns in
Canada, who will?
