At 18:51 12/2/98 -0800, you wrote:
>off-hand I can't give any refs. on diet-dental condition. Wasn't Weston
>Price a Dentist, and didn't he write about the dental condition of
>the hunter-gatherer cultures he visited?

Janis adds:

Yes, Weston Price is ideal. But also see....

Sapoty-Brook's Eco-Eating talks about getting a proper net calcium balance
and sodium/potassium balance to prevent dental problems on a largely raw
vegetarian diet (he's mostly fruitarian, also eats green leafy veges and
some fish).

In addition to Weston Price, I just read a book based upon his research
called "Root Canal Cover-Up" which had some good discussion of diet and
dental health, although this wasn't the central focus of the book.

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