I apologize for the delay but I have been busy with other projects.

David Gillett wrote:

> On  7 Dec 98 at 16:54, Jim Meagher wrote:
> > The Windows built-in uninstaller (ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS) is a very
> > poorly executed piece of software.  It will only remove .about 30% a
> > program, leaving behind bits and pieces scattered all over your PC
> > and in the REGISTRY.
> >
> > Even the "custom" uninstall routines that come with a program
> > won't remove everything.
>   I've been seeing advice like this a lot lately, and frankly, I'm
> mystified.

You have spoken very eloquently on many subjects, David.
Why did you feel the need to stoop to shouting to make your point?

>   Jim goes on to tout a couple of third-party uninstallers; these
> have pros and cons.

I "tout" these programs because they work.... pure and simple.

The very reason you stated as a"con" is exactly why we DO need uninstaller

programs -- "... information that the product developers decided was too
complicated to bother tracking..."   in otherwords, the developers are
content to leave behind lots of flotsam and jetsam in your system if you
to stop using their product.  Afterall, why should they bother helping you
You just deleted his/her program, right????

Of course there are pros and cons... everything in life has pros and cons.

The dangers you implied are clearly addressed by the makers of the
uninstaller programs.  Each of the programs I mentioned spends a great
deal of time explaining the dangers of  deleting files and cautions that
should make sure of what you are removing before you delete it.

They also have backup capabilities so that **if** (and that's a Biiiigg
anything goes wrong  (I've never had any problems) you can
restore the system to it's original state.

> I'm sure that this happens much less often now than it did when these

> products were introduced, but I'm not yet comfortable recommending them.

If you don't feel comfortable recommending them, then don't.  But  since
you haven't offered any concrete evidence or proof of detrimental effects,

then don't be a nay-sayer either.

Jim Meagher
Micro Solutions Consulting        Member of The HTML Writers Guild
http://www.ezy.net/~microsol     International Webmasters Association
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