Further to the previous reply,

I have recently changed from a Voodoo (1) to a Banshee. I have found a
dramatic improvement in any program that uses hardware acceleration.
My system is also State of The Ark ( 6x86 200MX, 32mb, W95) not a P2 and
it works just fine with the Banshee
I were you I wouldn't buy a Voodoo 1 because they'll be obsolete soon.

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   John D. Penberthy [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
        Sent:   30 November 1998 03:16
        To:     [log in to unmask]
        Subject:        Re: [PCBUILD] Banshee or Voodoo2

        You can buy Voodoo (1) cards for $99 bucks, (Diamond Monster),
or Best Data
        for $49, ( www.bestdata.com ), that will work just fine with
your regular
        Pentium chip.  The difference will be negligible with your
Pentium chip than
        if you had installed a Voodoo2.  The Banshee is a solution that
can transfer
        to your Pentium II system, but without the second texture
mapping buffer of
        a true Voodoo2 you will not get the ultimate performance from
3Dfx chipset.
        Recommendation: Buy a Voodoo (1), then if you upgrade get a
Voodoo3 (next
        June/July) for your new system.

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Jun Qian <[log in to unmask]>
        To: [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>
        Date: Saturday, November 28, 1998 11:57 AM
        Subject: [PCBUILD] Banshee or Voodoo2

        >Hi all,
        >My computer is P233mmx, i want to upgrade the video card so
that i can
        >play 3D games. I heard that Voodoo2 and Banshee are both
designed for
        >PII cpu. But i'm not rich person, I can't get a PII at the
moment. my
        >problem is, I want to buy a 3Dfx based card to get max game
support, so
        >I looked for a Banshee or a Voodoo2 based card. They both have
        >price. can someone tell me which one is best fit for my
computer, a 12Mb
        >Monster 3D 2 or a PCI version 16Mb Banshee based? TIA
        >PS: if i use Banshee, I don't know what to do with my current
4Mb video

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