This is also my first message to the list, but as far as I have read in
my Win98 documentation, FAT32 is not a compressable disk format like
FAT16 was. The cmpagent.exe that comes with Plus! for Win98 will still
only compress FAT16 disks using drvspace 3, and gets about the same
compression ratios as the Win95 version. The only real change is that the
Win98 cmpagent.exe will recognize FAT32 partitions well in excess of 2GB.
My current computer has a 3GB harddrive all in one partition, and
cmpagent.exe sees the whole thing. As for Win98 being "buggy", it's about
as buggy as the last release version of Win95. The most trouble I've run
into is no DOS support, which limits my use of legacy software, games
especially. Thank goodness Win98 includes Windows Update, which will aid
any user with free bugfixes and driver upgrades, provided you can
download them. Good luck with your upgrading.

On Fri, 25 Dec 1998 03:37:02 GMT Ray  Duncan <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>G'day, everybody in the PCBUILD mailing list.
>Please pardon my obviously naive questions, I am new here, and I am
>trying to
>find answers.
>I am a CAD user, and since my machine has tons and tons of CAD
>(vector, scalar
>and bitmap) files, I do need compressions. Currently I am using Win95,
>and I set
>up my machine so that I am using the Drvspace and Cmpagent.exe (from
>the Plus!
>package) compression agents to minimize the size of the CAD files.
>However, my harddrive is not set on FAT32, (the one with 4096-byte
>sector), and
>I think the current setup on my machine is that every sector is taking
>as much
>as 32KB of harddrive real estate.
>I have thought of upgrading to FAT32, with its more efficient
>4096-bytes (4KB)
>sector-size, but the Plus! package's Cmpagent.exe program doesn't work
>with the
>FAT32 format.
>Now that the Win98 is on the market, I am thinking of buying a copy
>and upgrade
>my machine to it. But before I do that, I have several questions to
>ask the wise
>gurus in this list:
>o       I have heard of the horror stories of how buggy Win98 is.
>                Are the horror stories still true?
>                Is Win98 still hopelessly buggy?
>o       If I get Win98, I'd get them from the computer stores like
>        CompUSA or ComputerCity, and there _is_ a possibility that
>        I'd get is CD-ROMs filled with the buggy version of Win98.
>        So, here're the questions about getting bug-fixes ---
>                Where can I get the "bugfixes" for the Win98?
>                Are they available from online sources,
>                such as
>                If the bugfixes are available, are they FREE?
>                Or do I have to pay for the "priviledge"?
>o       There is a Plus! package with the Win98, and (I heard) it
>        does have       a Cmpagent.exe compression agent in it.
>                Will the Win98 Cmpagent.exe works with FAT32?
>                How reliable is the Win98 Cmpagent.exe,
>                compare with its Win95 cousin?
>                Is the compression ratio of Win98's Cmpagent.exe as
>                good as (or better than) it's Win95 cousin?
>o       Currently I have 2 4GB IDE HD, and I am thinking of
>        upgrading my machine with 2 more 8GB EIDE HD.
>        While I know FAT32 will break the 2GB partition limit,
>        I do not know if Win98's Drvspace and/or Cmpagent.exe
>        support > 2GB partition or not.
>                Has anybody here successfully set up Win98, and run
>                Drvspace _with_ Cmpagent.exe on their machine?
>                Can Win98 Cmpagent.exe runs on a drivesize
>                larger than 2GB?
>Does anybody here have any answer(s) for me?
>Any help would be _VERY_ much appreciated.
>Happy Holidays !!!
>Jim Givens

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