Welcome Ry,
Some time ago, actually, about this time last year, anywhere from 6 to 12 of us in
the Dallas area would gather for a <potluck> session and discussion. Ray was
there on several occasions and it was great fun to have a group of like-minded
individuals exchanging information in <real time>. It was orchestrated by a lady
named Kathleen (whose last name escapes me at the moment, so if you're out
there Kathleen, please forgive me...and respond!) and then it just sort of faded
away, due largely to conflicting schedules rather than disinterest I suppose. At
any rate, there are a number of people in the Dallas area that are
<NeanderThinners> and would probably welcome another get-together, myself
included. All it takes is someone to lead the charge and take on the task of
coordinating and hosting the meeting. Unfortunately, I'm not in the position to do
so, but I would love to attend another gathering. Personally, I'd love to see a
national conference or forum. Anybody up to the task??

>>> Ryan Hughes <[log in to unmask]> 12/14/98 03:05pm >>>
Hello Everyone, this is my first post!
I was wondering if anyone knew of some kind of paleo potluck gathering where
paleo eaters can get together and enjoy each others cooking experiments. I am
from Dallas, and have heard vaguely about one possibly being here, but I know
nothing more about it.