Fellow hunter-gatherers:

I am new to the paleo WAE.  I have been dong this for about two weeks,
and I am very pleased so far.  Losing weight is not my main goal, but I
have lost 7 pounds.  I have several questions for the veterans.

Are cashews paleo?  I was told they are toxic before processing.  Are
there any "nuts" other than peanuts that are not paleo?

What determines whether or not  a particular oil is paleo?

How is pork paleo if it is unsafe to eat raw?

What is it about curing that make meats non-paleo?  I have yet to find
uncured bacon - only bacon without nitrates.

Eating marrow sounds very interesting to me.  Can anyone give a step by
step, from type of animal to consumption?  Does it spoil?

I am a deer hunter, and have the opportunity to kill wild hogs as well.
Does anyone know how to make bacon? ( uncured )

Does anyone actually gather?  Any recommendations for someone in
Lubbock, TX?

Ray suggests ingesting herbs as an alternative to intoxication by
alcohol.  Does anyone have recommendations? ( legal or otherwise )

To paleo pet-owners: How do I start my dog on paleo?  What about my cat?

What recommendations does anyone have as to dehydrators, food
processors, and other staples of a 1998 paleo-kitchen?

Thanks for any answers

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