Happy new year everybody!
        I'm hoping someone may have a clue as to what is happening with
my son.  My 10 month old daughter caught some bug going around.  Vomiting
with diarrhea.  My son caught it the next day (he's 4).  She is getting
better, but he seems worse.  His symptoms are more like a milk allergy
than a bug.  I've checked all ingredients on all the foods I've given
him.  When he starts to do better, I give him something and then it gets
worse. I've heard something about a sensitivity to red 40 (found in grape
pedialyte).  He's never been sensitive to it before now, but does this
sound reasonable?  I'm going to discontinue the pedialyte as of now, but
does anyone have any suggestions.  Could this just be a reaction the
virus or is it more likely an allergy sensitivity?
        His symptoms are diarrhea, flatulence, swollen stomach (hard as a
rock), abdominal cramping and frequent desire to burp.  Thanks everyone!

                                Be safe!!!
                                        Jessica L.
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