<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I'm sceptical about the statement the Dr (he is very kind to take the time
to answer at this forum and I know he is sincere) makes at Diane Holmes:

>...the celiacs have over-immune system.  They dont.  Your immune system is
>doing is job, fighting off enemies of your body.  The problem is that your
>intestine  recognises gluten as an enemy and attacks gluten.

I dont say he is not right, but I wonder if it is not the immune system who
commands to the intestines to reject or not accept gluten.  Also, I'm 56,
have been diagnosed 11 months ago.  The celiac symptoms have appeared 12
years ago.  And since about 12 years, I didnt have a cold, didnt catch any
infectious illness in countries where almost all others did (like Mexico) and
I work among the public.  When I was younger, I was catching the small child
illnesses like measles, etc..., but very mildly.  I know quite a few other
celiacs, and it seems to be the same case.  I would be curious to learn the
results of a survey on this subject.

           Did somebody has?
           Mireille, Waterloo Québec.