<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Perhaps this is a question I ought to put to a doctor, but there is one thing
I just don't understand about "strict adherence" to the GF diet.  We do not
purposefully allow the celiac in our family to eat any gluten.  We read
labels, but we rely a lot on published lists of GF foods.  So,l I cannot say I
am certain that our celiac is not ingesting any gluten at all.  However, she
demonstrates no symptoms.  I see many postings on this list which
indicate that even with very infrequent, minimal gluten ingestion "the
damage is being done" to the villi.  What I don't understand is this:  If the
gut can heal after months (in our case) or years of gluten ingestion
preceding diagnosis, why doesn't the gut heal after an accidental gluten
ingestion?  I can understand that if the gut is taking gluten "hits" of more
than minimal amounts day after day, there would be a problem, but that is
not what I'm talking about here.  My question goes more to this kind of
scenario:  we are gluten free for weeks, then one day I make a
casserole that has one teaspoon of a spice that has some
cross-contamination in it, and the celiac eats one cup of the casserole.
Please, no lectures.  I understand the consequences of indiscriminate
gluten ingestion.  Perhaps what I really don't understand is the process
of how the gut heals.  Does anyone know of any literature on the subject
that a lay person can read and understand?l