> > Are you sure?

> Are you?

No. And you? ;-)

Note: again, YOU made a claim about protein availability in coagulated
egg whites. Given the fact that I can't trust everything you say
(for instance, you gave percentages of vitamin losses which were
obviously wrong), it seemed natural to ask for a confirmation?

> And, ever notice how
> much a cooked egg stinks - a sort of sulfurous stench - whereas a raw
> one, has relatively little smell?

Stink? That's personal. I find that grilled whole bread stinks, but
some people love it. I sometimes find that durian has a delightful
smell, but many people say it stinks.

> > ingest, I'm sure I get more protein than any raw vegetarian!
> That's certainly nothing to brag about!

Not bragging, just stating the facts. Eating raw doesn't guarantee
you'll geet sufficient amounts of any nutrients. A bad 100% raw diet
can be more deficient than a good partially cooked one.

> Keep in mind that I've been experimenting with raw, and previously for
> over a year, with raw/cooked.

So what? Many people here have been all-raw for a longer time than
you've been "experimenting with raw". Some people, like Tom, were
involved with raw food before both of us were *born*.

> Considering the fact that I'm only 21, and that I've been "at this"
> for well over a year, that's pretty impressive.

"That's certainly nothing to brag about". That's just lunch. Most
animals, insects, bacteria have been all raw since birth. And some
cockroaches have experimented with both raw and cooked. :-)

> Is it hard for you (and others on this list) to accept the fact that I
> personally feel better eating all raw?

Not at all. I personally felt the same, so I can easily understand;
but now I feel differently. What about you? Is it hard for you to
accept the fact that what is good for someone (e.g. 100% raw, including
raw starches) is not necessarily good for everyone?

--Jean-Louis Tu <[log in to unmask]>