Ben wrote (most snipped):
>idea #2:  there is plenty of biotin in the yolk to bind with the
albumin in the
>white, and this natural combination is beneficial to the body in other
>I tend to agree with idea #2 from my own personal experience.  Raw
whole eggs
>seem to be a fairly important part of my raw intake.  While I do not
>them every day, I typically consume 2-3 dozen per week, and notice a
>benefit in energy from doing so.

I feel that you're right on #2, Ben.  My experience has been from
body-building friends of mine, who, in trying to avoid the cholesterol
in the yolks, discarded them in favor of only the whites.  And couldn't
understand why they were having so many problems with skin and hair in
spite of an otherwise good diet.


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