This is a really interesting topic.  NASA must know it all.  Does
know how to connect with them?     Geoff

-----Original Message-----
From: Ilya <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, November 04, 1998 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: [P-F] water needs

>"C. Loon" wrote:
>> Over on the PCO support list, where most people eat low-carb in one
>> fashion or another (e.g. Atkins, CAD, the Zone), people continually urge
>> each other to drink, drink, drink lots of water - at least eight 8 oz
>> glasses per day. We all know the benefits - hydration, flushing out
>> ketones and other toxins, aid to digestion, etc.  But I keep wondering -
>> When did we start needing so much water? It seems hard to imagine
>> paleopeople as having access to all that much water every day, especially
>> if they were nomadic and were often looking for water sources. Were they
>> suffering in continual dehydration?Or do we really not need that much
>> liquid? I know when I go camping, I drink much less than usual, because
>> it's a pain to lug all that extra water that is also needed for washing
>> and cooking. In winter it'd be even more difficult.
>Not sure how much of this advice is a requirement for survival. I know I
>recommend to those on low carb to drink lots of water, but for a different
>reason. When low carbing you are often in ketosis. Once ketosis reaches
>a high enough level you stop burning fat. By drinking more water you get
>rid of extra ketones and continue to burn fat. The other reason is that
>you often don't feel thirsty and may drink less than you really need to.
>I personally take extra supplements and water helps me get rid of those
>I don't need.