... continuation ...

>...10 g liver...
>Where so you get this from? Excepting the Inuit prohibition of polar bear
>liver, I find many indiginous hunting cultures eating the raw liver as a
>prize, warm and steaming just after the kill, and in amounts that are far
>more than 10g. Jeez, but you seem to "know" a lot that is false-to-facts
>regarding "paleo".
Kirt, 10 g liver provide about the days vitamin requirement of
vitamin a.
Or course that's an average per day, and if a whole liver is eaten
on one day fresh, there should be a long enough pause after.
At about 10 times or more of the days recommendation, vitamin-a will
from altering the bones to death.

I also recall that with some hunters (inuit) eating
liver was even taboo (probably as protection from that problem).

>>All that gives you only 1400 kcal - it has much too less energy.
>>How much additional pure fat gives a deer/moose/mammouth per 1000g meat?
>>This is why fat is so high-priced among hunters.
>What is your point? That fat is bad today because it was prized in nearly
>all indigenous cultures? Your arguments are so spurious as to be silly at
>times. Fat is clearly _different_ in modern farmed animals, but you drop
>that line of thought to generalize to fat, period. Curious.
To the opposite (im a fat addict).
My point is, that a meat nutrition with 1kg/day still isn't adequate
because lacking fats. For a 3000 or 4000 kcal hunters day, that would
the need of even double or triple that amount of meat.
Means doubling also the possible negative effects
ron and protein 800 or 1000%).

Inuit - the only real meatatarians - do have access to
large amounts of fat by fish and by the very fatty arctic animals.

>Perhaps animal foods, esp. organs and marrow are such supplements, and that
>is why they are highly prised by indigenous cultures--whether or not you
>agree they are "pure" paleo. LOL.
Shure they are. Esp. Fat, then organs/marrow, muscle to the least.
Humans need much higher energy to protein ration than animals provide.
(where is the 80%fat, 20%meat deer?).

>>Still not discovered phytochemicals for examples.
>And still not discovered nutrients in animal foods, eh? Who knows? Not I,
>but not you either, Amadeus...
Maybe that too, so why not phytochemicals and animochemicals.

