Have any of you read Dr. Diana Schwarzbein's book "The Schwarzbein
Principle"?  I am in the process of reading it right now.

She is an MD who specializes in the care of diabetics.  Her eating
is similar to Ray's.  Her premise is a little different.  She says
eating man-made foods and excessive carbohydrate consumption cause
hormonal reactions within our bodies that accelerates the metabolic
aging process, and then causes auto-immune disorders, obesity,

heart disease, etc.

She advocates eating all foods which you can come by naturally.
She condemns all stimulents, artificial foods(this would include
and sweeteners, man-made carbohydrates, man-made fats, processed
She suggests that you determine your carbohydrate intake based on how
active/inactive you are.  She suggests a minimum of 15 grams of
carbohydrates for each meal.

She cites a study where "researchers actually infused insulin into the
femoral arteries of dogs.  Plaqueing of the arteries occurred in every
dog, demonstrating that insulin causes this to occur." (p. 117)   The
study was detailed in "Diabetes Care", Robert W. Stout, "Insulin and
Atheroma 20-year Perspective", (June) Vol.13, no.6, p.631, 1990.

Anyway, I have found some of her ideas interesting.

Paula H.