<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Although I've only been on this list for about 6 months, I've already seen
a number of inquiries from newbies repeated.  So, against my better
judgment, I'm volunteering for a project of my own creation.

You veterans!  Send me your top ten lists of tips for newbies.  Tips can
be your best recipes, handy or yummy foods, travel ideas, eating out
ideas, coping strategies, answers to commonly asked questions --
anything you have found to be helpful.  Just think hard and limit your list
to the 10 best.  Please designate your list as being for celiacs (or parents
of celiacs) in one of the following age groups:

Toddlers and Pre-School
School-Age Kids
Teenagers and College Students
All ages

I will compile lists of the most common and best tips (I hope to have more
than 10 in each group) and post back to the list at some time in the
(hopefully, not too distant) future.
